Graus City Council

Creation of 3D models to preserve cultural heritage

Tourism and Hospitality

Digital Twins


3D Models


Virtual reconstructions

The church of the depopulated area of Castarlenas, belonging to the municipality of Graus, is in an increasingly complicated state of ruin. Following the collapse of much of the roof, some vaults have been exposed, and the cracks, increasingly wider, advance unstoppably.

The cries for help from various individuals and entities in the area and the few projects that have attempted to find alternatives to a more than imminent collapse have not borne any fruit.

The Graus Town Hall reaches an agreement with the diocese and commits to dismantling the Renaissance facade of the Castarlenas church and its subsequent installation in the cultural center Espacio Pirineos for its preservation.

Only the facade would be preserved, while the rest of the building would continue its progressive deterioration until its definitive collapse.

The approval by the Graus Town Hall of the works to dismantle the facade of the Castarlenas church and its subsequent installation in the cultural center Espacio Pirineos for its preservation presented a series of unknowns about the execution of the process and how to document


From the Digital Heritage area of Integra, knowing the consequences that the start of the works entails for the heritage asset, it is proposed to create a digital twin of the entire Castarlenas church before the beginning of the construction. After making the proposal, the works are halted to be able to carry out this 3D model that ensures the preservation of this heritage, and once completed, the normal development of the works continues.

Thanks to the digital twin project, the following has been obtained:

  • A 3D model of the Castarlenas church from a particular moment in the history of this specific heritage asset.
  • Castarlenas is documented in case the progressive deterioration continues.
  • Access to this heritage asset is provided from anywhere and at any time, as well as reviving heritage that is either forgotten or difficult to access.
  • The entire structure is digitally recreated with millimetric error margins in the event of a possible collapse.

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Responsable: INTEGRA ESTRATEGIA Y TECNOLOGÍA (Sociedad Aragonesa de Asesoría Técnica S.L.). - Finalidad: Gestionar el envío de información y prospección comercial - Legitimación: Consentimiento del interesado. - Destinatarios: No se cederán datos salvo disposición legal. - Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional. - Puede consultar información adicional sobre Protección de Datos en nuestra página web